
[104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02大特賣,想要的朋友看過來!!

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[104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02

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有關[104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02的詳細介紹如下:


Interactive free app educates and gets kids excited about brushing Exciting rewards for successful brushing sessions

Keep track of your kids brushing time/frequency via parents section of the app Add rewards to motivate

98 percent of parents say it`s easier to get kids to brush longer and better

Patented sonic technology with 500 strokes per second 75 percent more effective than manual toothbrushes in hard to reach areas for better check-ups guaranteed

Kid timer helps ensure 2minute recommended brushing time, and kid pacer alerts the child to move to the next quadrant of the mouth to ensure a thorough cleaning

Keep kids engaged while they learn how to brush independently. The Philips sonicare for kids bluetooth-enabled toothbrush interacts with a fun and educational app that helps kids brush better and for longer. Kids have fun while learning techniques that will last for a lifetime. Sonicare for kids is safe and gentle on teeth and gingival tissue, while removing more plaque in hard-to-brush areas than a children's manual toothbrush. 98 percent of parents say it`s easier to get kids to brush longer and better

Product Dimensions: 2.5 x 4.4 x 9.6 inches

Shipping Weight: 12 ounces


UPC: 075020051066

Item model number: HX6321/02

Batteries 1 Lithium ion batteries required. (included)


[104美國直購] 兒童電動牙刷 Philips Sonicare for Kids Connected Sonic Electric Toothbrush, HX6321/02



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